by Hank Willow, staff reporter.
[Oct. 8, 2001]
Beloved pop sensation Michael Jackson has for the last 9 years been a walking
undead corpse -- the mindless zombie slave to a blood-thirsty
Communist vampire!
Those are the shocking findings of a six-year Investigator investigation in which a team of Investigator
investigative reporters traveled the globe to discover the following blood-curdling discovery: Nicolae Ceausescu, Communist dictator of Romania and Transylvania until
his 1989 Christmas Day "execution" was a true-life vampire -- who has already
risen from his grave -- and claimed JACKO as his new victim!
Here are the startling facts
that cannot be denied: |
The formerly
Negro Jackson now vampire-white
-- in a Communist
Nicolae Ceausescu:
* Cringed at the sight of
* Demolished scores of churches!
* Stuttered and twisted
so bizarrely that a Fort Bragg US Army prof believes Ceausescu was possessed
by a legion of demons!
* Mesmerized a nation in
a vampire-like thrall -- despite his repulsive looks and dwarfish stature!
* Left Romania with skyrocketing
HIV rates -- which can happen when you drink tainted
* Himself suffered from a blood disease!
* Vanished after
his execution -- his "corpse" moving under mysterious circumstances!
* Hero-worshipped Dracula
-- for whom he issued a commemorative postage stamp!
* Tried to move Romania's
capital from Bucharest to Tirgoviste -- Dracula's 15th century capital!
* Sought refuge in Dracula's
capital during the final days of his crumbling Commie rule!
* And most shocking of all,
built a palace near Dracula's tomb, where in 1992 ...
Sun too
* Fear of Crosses!
Like all vampires Ceausescu feared crosses, says Dr. Nicholas Dima, a Columbia University
PhD and Romania expert for the JFK Special Warfare Center and US Army School
in Fort Bragg, where he taught 1985-88.
After searching archives
and high-security databases throughout the globe, an intrepid team of 107
Hollywood Investigator investigative reporters unearthed Dr. Dima's book, Journey
to Freedom, in the Desi Arnaz University Library at Hollywood Community
College, in Hollywood Florida.
In Journey
to Freedom, Dr. Dima writes: "Those who know [Ceausescu] insist he
cannot stand Christian crosses or blessings. In Venezuela he requested
the crucifix be removed from his room. At a luncheon in his honor
by a group of New Orleans businessmen, he left the room because a pastor
blessed the food! Then he kicked Vasile Pungan, his chief advisor,
for not having informed him."
This shocking incident
of vampire behavior is confirmed by Newsweek
journalist Edward Behr in Kiss
the Hand You Cannot Bite: The Rise and Fall of the Ceausescus, where
Behr confirms that Ceausescu walked "out of a dinner in New Orleans because
the cardinal insisted on an invocation before the meal."
This is evidence that cannot
be denied!
* Hatred of Churches!
More shocking evidence
of vampire behavior is Ceausescu's fear
and hatred of Christianity!
Dr. Dima's startling claim:
"Ceausescu showed throughout his career a profound aversion for God and
Months of additional pain-staking
research at the Desi Arnaz University Library unearthed another startling
book: Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa's Red
Horizons: The True Story of Nicolae & Elena Ceausescus' Crimes, Lifestyle,
and Corruption.
Pacepa, who iron-fistedly
ruled Romania's deadly spy bureau -- the DIE --
until his 1978 defection, reveals that Ceausescu demolished scores of churches
in Bucharest and "declared himself overjoyed at getting rid of musty old
churches and synagogues."
But even more amazingly,
Newsweek's Behr adds: "From 1977 onward, the piecemeal demolition of churches
occurred under militia guard."
Why were guards necessary?!
Dr. Dima provides a shocking clue: "Dozens of irreplaceable churches were bulldozed. Entire
cemeteries were emptied and corpses hastily removed, even if they
had been only recently interred."
The evidence is undeniable!
The conclusion unavoidable!
Fresh undead corpses were
being unearthed under militia guard because Ceausescu was harvesting
zombie recruits for his dreaded Securitate!
Dr. Dima, doubtless silenced
by US national security rules, does not admit this -- but shockingly -- he does not deny the possibility!!!
* Ceausescu Possessed by Legion of Demons!
But Investigative minds want
to know: If Ceausescu was a vampire, how did he become one?
After investigating every
shelf of the Desi Arnaz University Library, the Hollywood Investigator's
investigative team discovered the startling fact that one may become a
vampire through demon-possession!
In Dracula
Was a Woman, Boston College professor Raymond T. McNally quotes Saint
Clemens, who said of demons: "Since these spirits want to partake
of food and drink and feel the desire to do so but cannot, because they
are spirits and have no organs, they turn to humans to make use of their
organs. Once in control of suitable organs, they can get whatever
they want and take it through the mouth of possessed humans."
McNally adds: "if real humans
showed a tendency to want to eat human flesh and drink
human blood ... it was assumed that they had become possessed, had
been taken over by demons."
Dr. Dima believes Ceausescu
was possessed by a legion of demons!
In Journey
to Freedom, Dr. Dima provides eyewitness testimony of Ceausescu's bizarre
stammerings and contortions during the dictator's state visit to Canada:
"Looking at [Ceausescu] I
was shocked: a small, dark man, skinny and frail, as if very ill, with
a face which had lost normal coloring. What I could not comprehend
was the way he walked and moved around. It was completely disjointed,
with uncoordinated motions -- the hands moving in one direction while the
legs were seemingly marching by themselves. Ceausescu was like an
artificial body without a brain to coordinate it...
"Ceausescu looked around,
rotated his head without seeing anybody, waited a few endless seconds,
and eventually, I believe, he began to speak. I think so because
some words came out of his mouth, but I could not relate them to the movements
of his lips, or his face, or his head, or his arms. The tone of his
voice sounded as if spoken somewhere in a cellar. ...
"I remembered a biblical
story, and I froze and uttered a quick prayer. When Jesus and his
disciples arrived at the shore of a lake, they came across a demon-possessed
man dwelling in a grave yard, who had such strength that no one was strong
enough to control him... 'What is your name?' Jesus asked and the
demon replied: 'Legion, for there are many of us here within this man.'
"I concluded that Ceausescu,
this embodiment of Marxism-Leninism, was not 'himself.' He had probably
ceased to be himself a long time ago when he began to think of himself
as a sort of a god, and put his body at the disposal of a legion of evil
spirits. Ceausescu must have many demons within his body. ...
these demonic spirits would fight and quarrel among themselves as who should
take the lead, who should be the speaker, and in what direction they should
"Ceausescu's inner circle
could not figure out what was wrong with Ceausescu because they did not
believe in God either. This is why they were only puzzled and frightened,
and would flock around him trying everything to please; but how can anyone
please an army of wicked spirits?"
Dr. Dima is a Columbia University
PhD. and former US Army Professor at Fort Bragg! While he does not
use the "V" word -- doubtless due to US national security concerns -- his
expert intelligence analysis cannot be ignored!
The evidence is undeniable!
The conclusion unavoidable!
Ceausescu was possessed by
a legion of demons -- which St. Clemens has
revealed to be related to vampirism!
* Ceausescu Mesmerized a Nation!
Ceausescu was an ugly twisted
dwarf, yet his nation worshiped him like a god -- as if under a vampire-like
In Kiss
The Hand You Cannot Bite, Edward Behr reveals that Ceausescu was routinely
called: "Genius of the Carpathians, Source of our light, the Danube of
thought, Builder of the outstanding stage in the millennia-old existence
of the Romanian people, Creator of the epoch of unprecedented renewal,
Treasure of wisdom and charisma."
Despite the massive security
surrounding US national security archives, the Hollywood Investigator's
team of investigative reporters unearthed a high-level US State Department
document, written by a senior high-level State Department insider, that
confirms this startling national behavior:
Former US Ambassador to Romania,
David B. Funderburk, reveals in his book, Pinstripes
and Reds:
"Ceausescu is classed as
the fount of all wisdom and knowledge ... the builder of new Romania, the
man who gave his name to a whole era in the history of the Romanian people...
His years have been called the years of light ... He had been
represented as the embodiment of the nation in sculpture, portraits, wooden
icons, painted, cloth art work, statues, and in poems and other literary
Even more amazing, so pervasive
and extreme was this ritual worship, even those formerly under Ceausescu's
spell cannot explain it!
In Kiss
the Hand You Cannot Bite, Behr quotes Liviu Turcu, a Securitate official
who defected in 1987: "Not even today am I able to explain how so many
intellectuals, and good journalists, fought each other in exhausting the
Romanian dictionary to find the most impressive words in an attempt to
please Ceausescu.'"
Behr adds: "The passivity
of the nomenklatura and of professional groups of all kinds remains baffling."
What makes this vampiric
worship even more startling is that life in Ceausescu's Romania
was misery.
In Journey
to Freedom, Dr. Dima writes: "Since the winter of 1984, Romania
has resembled the Tribulation mentioned in the Bible. There is wickedness,
weeping, and gnashing of teeth. ... windows of food stores had pictures
of food instead of real food. ... heating elements freeze and explode,
damaging the buildings. Water freezes in glasses and stops running
in the pipes.
"It broke my heart to call
my mother in Bucharest and hear her crying over the phone halfway around
the world: 'Call me sometimes, Nic, if you can. I cannot write any
more because it is too cold, and my hands are numb.'"
The evidence is undeniable!
The conclusion unavoidable!
The only explanation for
national worship of such an ugly destructive tyrant is -- a nation gripped
in a vampiric thrall!
* HIV Infections Skyrocket!
The Hollywood Investigator
advocates safe sex for its hugely vast family readers -- and wishes to
remind that not all HIV infections are spread by vampire bites.
But Ceausescu's Romania suffered unusually
high infection rates!
After months of painstaking
research over the Hollywood Investigator's state-of-the-art 56k broadband
ISDN terminal, a team of Investigator staff researchers have uncovered
the following exclusive findings:
According to the Philadelphia
Inquirer (12/6/98): "[I]nternational health officials believe Romania has
the highest incidence of juvenile AIDS in Europe."
And according to La Republica
(2/21/97), the International Health Organization reports that "50% of the
children of this planet who tested seropositive or are infected with AIDS
live in Romania."
These startling and exclusive findings
are confirmed by the Investigator's investigative reporters, who
have unearthed a shocking academic report from UCLA professor Gail Kligman.
In The
Politics of Duplicity: Controlling Reproduction in Ceausescu's Romania,
Kligman writes: "Although the infant/child AIDS epidemic may have been
attributed largely to ... microtransfusions of tainted blood and the use
of unsterilized syringes, the rise in the number of adult cases cannot
be attributed to these same causes." !!!
The evidence is undeniable.
The conclusion unavoidable.
Something is amiss in Romania's
(and Transylvania's) blood supply. Some
dark force not present in other nations!
* Ceausescu Suffered from a Blood Disease!
Edward Behr reports that
Ceausescu had diabetes -- a blood disease!
* Ceausescu's Corpse Vanishes -- AND MOVES!
Eventually the long-suffering
villagers rebelled against their Commie masters! On December 16,
1989, a protest rally in the Transylvanian village of Timisoara escalated into hugely vast protest rallies in Bucharest -- leading to the
overthrow of the vampires Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu!
It is said they were "executed"
-- on Christmas Day 1989!
But vampires are not easily
destroyed. Evidence indicates that the Ceausescus arose from the
dead -- and once again walk the earth! |
lies "dead" after his "execution."
So ...
In Kiss
the Hand You Cannot Bite, Newsweek's Behr writes: "The corpses
were wrapped in tent cloth and bundled aboard a waiting helicopter.
They were unloaded in the middle of a playing field in a sports stadium
in a Bucharest suburb that had been used by the Defense Ministry as a helipad
for the transport of all those connected with the trial.
"The corpses promptly vanished.
Elena lies
Dead ... or about
to speak???!!!
"Army search parties scoured
the area all night before finding them the following morning, near a shed
within the stadium grounds. Who shifted the bodies, and for what
purpose, was never satisfactorily established."
The Ceausescus' last ditch
attempts to repress demonstrators inflicted extreme carnage! The
Hollywood Investigator has obtained exclusive graphic
photos of the massive bloodbath!
we are not publishing them because some of the corpses are partially nude,
and the Investigator is a family newspaper. |
* Bizarre Connections to Dracula!
The evidence is undeniable!
Ceausescu was -- is!-- a blood-thirsty vampire!
The next question: Who made him one?
After tirelessly investigating
every shelf of the Desi Arnaz University Library, the Hollywood Investigator's
investigative team unearthed another book containing undeniable evidence
of Ceausescu's vampire blood-origins -- Dracula
In In
Search Of Dracula: The History of Dracula and Vampires, Boston College
profs Raymond T. McNally & Radu Florescu reveal that Ceausescu hero-worshipped
They write that in 1976,
the 500th year anniversary of Dracula's death, Ceausescu "ordered eulogies,
monographs, novels, works of art, a film, even a commemorative stamp, to
praise the Impaler!" [see exclusive copy on right!]
In the typical
vampire behavior of a slave vampire seeking to be near its master,
Ceausescu tried moving Romania's capital from Bucharest to Tirgoviste --
Dracula's 15th century capital!!!
Also in typical
vampire fashion, Ceausescu censored anything that might expose his
Master's -- and his own -- vampire identity!
Brit journalist Jane Goldman
(winner of Cosmopolitan's 1987 "Women Of Tomorrow" Award) says in The
X-Files Book Of The Unexplained: Vol. 2: "[Stoker's] Dracula was not
published in Romania until 1993, having been banned
under communist rule."
Yet despite Ceausescu's cover-ups,
those who saw Ceausescu -- saw his dark Master's presence inside him!
In Pinstripes
and Reds, former US Ambassador Funderburk writes that Ceausescu "has
been classed with another Romanian hero -- Vlad Tepes who was known as
While Funderburk is doubtless
muzzled by State Department security rules, he mysteriously adds "the resemblance
to Vlad Tepes (Dracula), is perhaps not so far fetched after all."
Does this high-level State
Department insider know more than he dare reveal?!
Even more shocking! -- Ceausescu
sought his dark Master's help until the very end! McNally and Florescu
reveal that on December 22, 1989, as his Commie dictatorship crumbled,
Ceausescu fled to his Snagov palace, "a short
distance from where Dracula lay buried. ... evidentially seeking
solace and support in Dracula's former capital."
But the most
blood-curdling of all, McNally & Florescu add that in 1992 ...
... at Ceausescu's same Snagov
Lake palace!
They write: "A visit today
reveals motor launches, sailboats, beaches, restaurants, lovely villas,
and former president Ceausescu's summer palace (where
Michael Jackson resided in the fall of 1992)."
more blood-curdling: The palace still remains a short both ride from Dracula's tomb!
But most shocking of all!
-- ever since that fateful Transylvanian night in 1992 -- the Commie-uniform-wearing Jacko has grown paler and paler ...
The evidence is undeniable!
The conclusion unavoidable!
-- and
Hank Willow is an ace tabloid reporter for the Hollywood Investigator. Read more about his supernatural battles against Satantic New Age forces in Hollywood Witches!
Additional Investigator Fun
Facts about Ceausescu's