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by Hank Willow, staff reporter [June,
27, 2002]
[HollywoodInvestigator.com] The governor of
California has fallen under the influence of neo-pagans and eco-terrorists
-- and he's a Republican! That's the shocking premise of Jack R. Stevens's new novel,
Tract, a satire of environmental extremism -- which Stevens terms "deep
In an exclusive Hollywood Investigator interview, Stevens explained the genesis of his
novel: "Like they say, all fiction is biography, and all biography is fiction. My novel is based on my experiences as legal counsel for oil and gas developers
in the Sacramento River Delta area, and for landowners, throughout California
during the early 1990s."
As in
Ayn Rand's Atlas
Shrugged, the hero of
Tract is a businessman. A gas and oil man seeking to develop
hydrocarbon reserves beneath the Sacramento River Delta. His allies
include cattlemen, landowners, and a "maverick reporter."
them are politicians, "deep ecologists," Gaia worshipers, and eco-terrorists,
who, says Stevens, "want to limit growth, stop use of fossil fuel, and
return the landscape to that which existed before the 'European Invasion.' "
wrote his novel to fill a void. "Environmental extremists dominate
the popular culture. I could not find a single work of fiction concerning
environmental issues that took the side of man, enterprise, progress, and
Western thought. So I set out writing
Tract in 1994." The novel was finally published last year.
An experienced
writer, Stevens edited California Viewpoint during the 1980s ("a political
newsletter with several thousand subscribers"), and has had editorials
and columns published in the San Francisco
Chronicle, Sacramento Bee, and Sacramento
Union -- yet he had difficulty placing
Tract, his first novel.
"The going is rough for a first-time
author. I tried a couple of Christian-oriented publishers, but God
is not the novel's central theme and I got a couple of nice rejection letters. Since I am a professional and a family man, I had little time to market
the novel, or send out hundreds of letters to agents and publishing houses. So I decided to stop wasting time and get the book out there myself."

Stevens self-published his novel, reviews have been positive. Joseph
Farah of WorldNetDaily says: "This is the novel a lot of us have awaited. Finally, someone has
taken on the environmental extremists who would dictate (if we let them)
what we think, how we live, what we can own, where we work, what we eat,
what we wear, what we drive. Thought-provoking and hilarious."
And C.M.
Starr, a director for the California Wildlife Federation, said: "Stevens
has given us a riotously funny, yet sobering, glimpse of a future that,
if we are not careful, could soon be ours. Anyone who loves the earth
but wants to live on it, too, must read
adds: "The reviews in National
Review and California Political Review were both very positive. But I am waiting for someone in the publishing
industry to come along, read it, and offer to re-publish and promote it."
As a self-published
conservative, Stevens joins a growing rank of conservative and libertarians
artists who are independently publishing and producing in a diversity media
and genres: theater, film, literary
satire, horror, science
fiction, and heavy
adds that he only opposes "deep ecology," not sane ecology. "Most
Americans care about clean air and water. They like trees and animals. I count myself among them. But there is a dark underside to the environmental
movement that despises the works of man and values him to a lesser extent
than it does plants and lower life forms.
"Ordinary men and women
struggling to make a living and raise families are the chief casualties
of environmental extremists who the media have installed as a kind of new
elite. Before it is too late, people have to recognize that 'deep
ecology' and its adherents reject Western thought, capitalism, Judeo-Christianity,
and progress. Our standard of living and values are at risk."
has plans for future novels. "I disciplined myself to turn out a
few pages every night after work for several years, constantly revising
and editing. I've felt a little out of sync since I finished the
novel, and probably need to start working on another."
Stevens served for six years as Assistant Attorney General for the State
of California during the Reagan administration. While practicing
in California, he defended landowners and gas and oil exploration firms
from environmentalists and bureaucrats. Now based in Washington D.C.,
he represents clients before Congress and federal regulatory agencies.
Jack R.
Stevens can be contacted via email. |
Hank Willow is a Los Angeles based tabloid reporter who investigates Hollywood scams and Tinseltown's occult underbelly. Read about his adventures in tabloid journalism in Hollywood Witches. |
Copyright 2002 by HollywoodInvestigator.com
